A recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Amalfi Coast lies in the southwestern region of Campania, Italy and is recognised worldwide for its cliff-side Mediterranean fishing villages, lemon tree gardens and idyllic seascapes. We spent a whole day around the Amalfi visiting places such as Atrani and Positano, sunbathing on scorching beaches and drinking lemon beer. Seriously don’t know how I went 26 years without trying one but now there’s no going back.
The one place I wanted to photograph most of all on this trip was Atrani. Although Atrani is one of the smallest communes in southern Italy, it has a long history going back to the ancient Roman aristocracy. It became the residence of the most wealthy and powerful families of the Republic of Amalfi until the Pisani invasion in 1337. With little traffic or noise, Atrani is the perfect place to visit for a relaxing getaway. There are few bars and restaurants in the city itself so lounging on the beach with a book in hand is going to be your main activity. But don’t fret, there’s just one main road along the Amalfi coast so you’re never far from adventure.
Your Journey
You know that old saying ‘It’s not the journey, it’s the destination’? Well in some ways the drive around the Amalfi Coast was better than the villages we got to visit. Winding mountain roads, fresh sea air, good company and good music on the radio. What more could you ask for? I’m actually incredibly jealous of the people that get to live here because their way of life seems so relaxed and mellow that it’s a stark contrast to the hectic nature of big cities. And yet everything seems to be ticking over, nothing is falling apart and everybody is enjoying their life. If stress gets the better of me I know where I’m moving at the drop of a hat.
Another gorgeous village along the Amalfi Coast is Positano. It acted as a port of the Amalfi Republic in medieval times, and prospered during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. By the mid-nineteenth century the towns population began to decline as the young generation moved to America. Since the 1950s it has attracted a large number of tourists and shows no sign of slowing down. If you find yourself in Positano you can charter a private boat and create your own adventure or soak up the beauty on either of Positano’s two beaches: Fornillo (smaller and more secluded) or Spiaggia Grande (the main beach of Positano).
“It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone” – John Steinbeck on positano
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