toni tran nice france

Although I consider the Italian Riviera to be one of the most stunning places in the world I have to say that its French counterpart is sure to give that accolade a run for its money. Nice is considered the unofficial capital of the Côte d’Azur and its year-round sunshine and stunning seaside location has been attracting wealthy visitors for centuries. Nice was the last location on our cruise before heading back to Rome but instead of writing about the town itself I want to go on a different tangent and explore the topic of happiness (something I touched upon this time last year during my visit to Durdle Door in Dorset).


Pursuit of Happiness

One of the things I’ve learned – especially in more recent times – is how much we can over worry and over think decisions. Whilst nothing should be taken lightly, I feel that there’s very little we can do that will have a catastrophic effect on our lives. Even if things don’t go as we expect, and times can get dark there is always a new dawn if we are resilient and keep pushing on. To be truly happy we need to look after our souls. Buy Cialis online 20 mg and Cialis daily 5 mg learn more. More than anything I feel people should strive to do something that makes them happy. Money isn’t everything and spending time working in a passion area will provide riches beyond anything raw cash can deliver.

Yes, the bills need paying, so there’s a balance, but you shouldn’t be scared to walk away from situations/work/careers if deep down you know it’s making you unhappy or unfulfilled. After that, it’s family and friends. All too easy to take them for granted and expect they’ll always be there. It’s important we make time to cultivate those relationships and just do things with them. Even the mundane stuff like breaking bread with people is so so valuable. It’s healthy for the soul. Happiness is a state of mind that anyone can achieve but the road won’t be easy, and that’s ok too. If it wasn’t a challenge then getting fulfilment from it would be increasingly difficult if not impossible.

“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Phew, that was a intereting read wasn’t it? Sometimes it’s nice to get the philosophical stream of consciousness out of the way and reflect on the things you do have in life. Changing your perception from wanting to having will undoubtedly produce great results in your personal lives so why not give it a try. It’s free! Also a big thank you to Andrea, Toni, Jim, Abdel, Eshan and Annabel for joining me on this random adventure, hopefully there will be many more to come.

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