The 2016 SS menswear collections began in London over the weekend with shows from leading labels such as Topman, Alexander McQueen, Hilfiger, Coach and Ford dominating front pages of many menswear blogs.

The four day event influences menswear trends globally so it’s not a show to be missed and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s able to get a few invites. My attendance this year has been sporadic to say the least due to circumstances beyond my control but here are some of the collections and street style snaps that grabbed my attention.

To check out my post about the LCM back in winter make sure you read the Casely Hayford or Duchamp London posts.


Collections are always a chance for brands to really showcase their creative intent and really let loose with the designs. This year was no different with Topman, Paul Smith and Tom Ford (as usual) pulling out the big punches. Burberry for me was the stand out show that really managed to capture the ethos of the brand as of late.


Showcased at the beautiful Kensington Palace Gardens the Burberry show lived up to all expectations. Light wool outfits will always feel sleek but the 70s look is coming back in a big way and Burberry has yet again managed to make their collection feel effortless.


A majority of my wardrobe seems to be made up of blacks so it’s no surprise I was immediately drawn to Ada + Nik SS16 collection. With an almost dystopian feel the collection left a striking impression and in my opinion gave small nods to the Yeezy Originals from Adidas


Going in the other direction we have an old Style Division favourite – Duchamp. Elegantly layered two and three piece suits will never go out of style and Duchamp have a knack of ensuring even the greys and blacks have something new to offer.


I love street style shots, especially if the photographer has tried to find something unique about a moment or situation. I have an awesome little post coming up about my trip abroad and the differences in street style but here are some of my favourites from LCM this year:


Make sure to check out Exploring Camden – PHOTOGRAPHY JOURNAL 06 for my latest post and follow Style Division to keep up to date. Part 2 from LCM will be posted online shortly!