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Another weekend has come and gone and without even noticing, Autumn has slowly crept upon upon us. I hope everyone has had a fun filled summer (I certainly have!) but don't despair as the gloomy ...
They say life is short but if you think about it it's actually the longest thing you'll ever get to do. I think what 'they' actually mean is life is too short to spend on things you don't care ab...
At the beginning of last month myself and a few fellow bloggers were invited by Logitech UK to undertake a street art and graffiti tour of Shoreditch / Hoxton and having had an interest in the su...
Another year and another Notting Hill carnival was upon us with crowds flocking to Notting Hill Gate, drawn in by the promise of cheap alcohol, coconut cocktails and of course an opportunity to r...
In the wise words of Mr Fresh Prince "Summer, summer, summertime. Time to sit back and unwind." Lounging by the pool for days on end has never appealed to me though so by unwinding I mean 'get up...
Casely Hayford are a London based father (Joe) and son (Charlie) design duo that started in 2009 with a vision of creating unique London style pieces for an international audience. Their looks fu...
If you ever want to see London from a completely new dimension I always recommend a trip to The Shard's Viewing Gallery. For around £20 you can go 800ft up the 1,016ft high skyscraper and see the...
We keep telling ourselves “So much to do, so little time” but is that really true? There’s only so much one can accomplish before feeling drained or dejected by the possibility of another busy da...
It's taken me a while to put another photography post together simply because I've collected such a wealth of material over the past few months I simply did not know where to start. A few weeks a...
A few weeks ago the National Portrait Gallery was holding an Audrey Hepburn exhibition and seeing as I've seen her face all over Tumblr and Pinterest over the last few years I joined up with Kris...
There's a famous saying in Eastern Europe that goes "the only thing that’s free is cheese in a mousetrap". Although I understand the sentiment I would have to disagree as some of my most treasure...
Last month Krissy D from Interlaced and I got a little glimpse into the future of retail fashion. London shopping mall chain Westfield teamed up with virtual reality interactive experience produc...
Last month I attended the INTERLACED 2015 'Future of Smart Fashion' Show that was held at Corbet Place, Shoreditch London. We have spoken about Interlaced in the past and this show was just the f...
My favourite thing about living in London has got be the way it constantly surprises you. Each area is a mini city with a distinct look and feel that’s constantly evolving. My job as a photograph...
Before LCM kicked off last weekend I had the privilege of attending Matt Zorpas' (Gentleman Blogger) 3 year anniversary party at the stunning St Martins Lane hotel. Mojitos were in full flow and ...
The Louis Vuitton Series 3 Exhibition is up and running in London and I thought I'd put a little post together to showcase the experience. The exhibition finishes next Sunday (18th of October) so...
It's been a while since my last Things To Do post and you're never short of activities when it comes to one of the worlds biggest cities. Today I wish to showcase the hidden side of London, one t...
If you're a regular reader of Style Division then you should already be familiar with INTERLACED but for the uninitiated here's a quick recap: INTERLACED are a media and events company that's de...