Health & Wellbeing

Home Health & Wellbeing
Ever wish you could increase your confidence levels on demand? Or relieve a stressful feeling in a moment? Using your body differently can be an easy way to give yourself a quick boost in the fee...
There was a recent survey of millennials asking what they considered to be important life goals. Over 80% said that getting rich was a major goal while 50% said that 'becoming famous' was top of ...
There's a simple game we all play called the “social hierarchy game”. We constantly compare ourselves to our closest friends or co-workers to make sure we're doing as well or better than them. We...
When I travel I try to stray off the beaten path. You still get to experience the touristy side of the city but also find the little intricacies that only the locals really know about. During my ...
After several months of solitude and introspection I've come to the realisation that nature doesn't make mistakes. Have you ever seen a badly designed tree or a misshapen cloud? Everything is unf...
It's crazy how a change of scenery can influence your thinking and become a catalyst for new ideas. Waking up every morning, surrounded by nature, without any professional obligations is a situat...
London, it’s over, and it’s not me, it’s you. At what point do we say enough's enough and actually realise we'd rather live in affordable cities? This isn't a 'goodbye' though, this is just a see...
Much has been written on the subject of genius. It appears in all forms, in all walks of life and yet the mere act of describing it inevitably falls short. Genius lies in the cracks, in the space...
Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time out of their undoubtedly busy schedule to check out my blog. It honestly means a lot :) I was actually thinking about the conc...
There's something I've been meaning to talk about for a while and to put it bluntly it's the very serious issue of mental health. I know many of you read my blog just to see nice pictures or mayb...
Wearable technology or wearables as they're commonly known are wearable fashion devices that have grown in prominence recently thanks to products such as the Apple iWatch as well as our own insat...
Life is a beautiful adventure and it would be a shame to waste it on things of little importance. If you're finding yourself surrounded by drama, negative people or useless information, you need ...